Art to Boost Creative Confidence - Hythe Library - Monday 4th, 11th, 25th November and 2nd December 2024


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Art to Boost Creative Confidence

Hythe Library

Monday 4th, 11th, 25th November and 2nd December 2024

1.30pm to 4.00pm

An introduction to the building blocks of art and the work of different artists to boost creative confidence and benefit health and wellbeing.

  • Design and create at least three artworks using a range of exciting painting, drawing and collage techniques
  • Identify and discuss different artworks and use them to experiment with materials
  • Choose at least one art material or technique which is completely new to you
  • Describe common art elements and how they can help express ideas
  • Identify and define how creative activities can benefit health and wellbeing

About the course:

Use the building blocks of art (such as line, colour and shape) and the work of different artists to express yourself, have fun and try out new techniques.

Benefits of creative activities include helping us process our thoughts, relax, practice self-care, connect with others, embrace mistakes, experiment and try things out.

This course aims to boost creative confidence, helping you to make unique, personal artworks which communicate your interests and ideas.

Who is this course for: For complete beginners who would like to create for fun with like-minded people.

Previous knowledge or experience: No previous art-making knowledge or experience required.

How will I learn: Through observation, discussion and practical, hands-on tasks.

How will I be assessed: Tutor observation and individual work.

What shall I bring: A sketchbook or plain sheets of paper (minimum 140 lb (300 gsm) if possible, so that pages are thick enough to withstand paint and glue), Glue (PVA or a glue stick, for example), Watercolour and Craft, Acrylic or Gouache Paint (in a minimum of red, yellow and blue) Paintbrushes, Water pot, Palette, Sketching Pencils (2B, 4B and 8B, for example), Scissors

If you have them, you might also wish to bring along Wax Crayons, Oil Pastels or Felt Tip Pens to experiment with.

Please note that materials don’t need to be elaborate or expensive, please just use whatever it is you have to hand. If you need further advice or guidance regarding these materials, please email

Next steps: Further Art courses to include Drawing and Step by Step Watercolour workshops

Attendance is expected at each session to ensure that you get the most out of your learning experience and to minimise disruption for other learners. Please advise the venue/tutor of any absence you may have.

You will be contacted by a member of the learning in Libraries team prior to the course. We are unable to process your booking without a phone number.

Please note that due to circumstances outside of our control we may need to move this course online. Please give consent to your image appearing on our virtual learning environment Zoom.

If this event is sold out please contact so that we can inform you of any future courses.

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