NEW! Inclusion Team The Inclusive Classroom Profile: Staff Training


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NEW! Inclusion Team The Inclusive Classroom Profile: Staff Training

Training your staff to use the ICP  

If you wish to use ICP yourself, training is strongly recommended for reliable, accurate use of the ICP. The current training program includes a face-to-face overview of   the ICP administration and scoring procedures and 4 classroom observations with an ICP-qualified trainer to help users meet reliability proficiency. 

How well are you implementing quality inclusive practices in early years?    

There is now a comprehensive, field-tested observational tool that uncovers the answers. A one-of-a-kind tool for classrooms serving children aged 2–5, the Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP™) assesses 12 key practices with the strongest research base for supporting the education and development of young children in inclusive programs.   

  • Adaptations of Space, Materials, and Equipment 
  • Adult Involvement in Peer Interactions 
  • Adults' Guidance of Children’s Free-Choice Activities and Play 
  • Conflict Resolution 
  • Membership 
  • Relationships between Adults and Children 
  • Support for Communication 
  • Adaptation of Group Activities 
  • Transitions between Activities 
  • Feedback 
  • Family / Professional Partnerships 
  • Monitoring Children's Learning 

The Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP™), developed by Dr. Elena Soukakou, is a structured observation rating scale designed to assess the quality of provisions and daily practices that support the developmental needs of children with disabilities in early childhood settings.

What does the training consist of and how long does it last? 

Reliability training is a 4½-day process and can include up to 3 members of staff. The first day includes a group overview presentation that introduces participants to the ICP measure and prepares reliability participants for the next days of observation training. Days 2–5 are full days. They include morning observations of 2–3 hours followed by an interview with the teacher and documentation review. After a lunch break, the ICP trainer and those being trained meet to score the ICP (individually) and then debrief each item. This afternoon scoring and debriefing typically lasts about 3 hours. 

How is reliability determined?  

Following the assessments on days 2–5, debriefing occurs. During this time, a consensus score is determined for each item. To achieve a reliability certificate, participants complete all components of the training process and have an average of at least 85% across three observations or at least two individual reliability scores of 90% or higher.

NOTE FOR HAMPSHIRE SCHOOLS – please be aware that Hampshire schools must pay for training using IBC Internal Trading, so are unable to use this Shop.

Hampshire schools should submit this online booking request to book a place, remembering to include their cost centre, GL code and contact details for the person dealing with finance or IBC internal trading.

This will allow SfYC to take payment direct from your cost centre via Journal.

(Academies and independent schools are able to use payment cards)

Academies and Independent schools will be charged a 15% surcharge on top of the standard cost. All schools, settings and other organisations from outside of Hampshire will also be charged this 15% surcharge.

If a member of the SfYC team needs to travel outside of the county to deliver training, expenses/mileage may be charged from the Hampshire border. Price on application.