NEW! Stretch and Challenge Young Minds


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NEW! Stretch and Challenge Young Minds

Tuesday 4th March 2025, 9.30am to 12.30pm, Winchester area

This course examines how the adult can facilitate challenge through effective interactions and a high-quality enabling environment. We will consider the high expectations we should have for all children by exploring how every child can be sufficiently stretched and challenged through skilfully facilitated learning.

The aims of this course is:

  • To explore how the themes and principles of the EYFS can be used to stretch and challenge children to reach their full potential
  • To ensure that their curriculum is aspirational and inclusive for all children
  • To maximise on children’s Cultural Capital and child development when planning for the unique child
  • • To gain practical ideas, tools and tips for how to stretch and challenge all children

NOTE FOR HAMPSHIRE SCHOOLS – please be aware that Hampshire schools must pay for training using IBC Internal Trading, so are unable to use this Shop.

Hampshire schools should submit this online booking request to book a place, remembering to include their cost centre, GL code and contact details for the person dealing with finance or IBC internal trading.

This will allow SfYC to take payment direct from your cost centre via Journal.

(Academies and independent schools are able to use payment cards)

Academies and Independent schools will be charged a 15% surcharge on top of the standard cost. All schools, settings and other organisations from outside of Hampshire will also be charged this 15% surcharge.

If a member of the SfYC team needs to travel outside of the county to deliver training, expenses/mileage may be charged from the Hampshire border. Price on application.