Basingstoke Canal Centre - Book bundle 2
Basingstoke Canal Centre - Book bundle 2
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Basingstoke Canal Centre - Book bundle 2
Another perfect Christmas gift - this book bundle includes most of the books from the Canal Society set. With a total saving of £4.60!
Books included:
A Guide to the Basingstoke Canal
Paddle Guide to the Basingstoke Canal
Rambles on the Basingstoke Canal
A History of the Basingstoke Canal
Boats of the Basingstoke Canal
Wartime Defences on the Basingstoke Canal
Perseverance – Dredging the Basingstoke Canal
Lost Bridges of the Basingstoke Canal
Price: £27.00 - incl. 2nd class postage and packaging
Overseas payments and shipping is unavailable for this product. If you are interested please contact the Canal Visitor Centre on 01252 370073.