Best Practice in Supervision - Castle Avenue, Winchester - Thursday 19th June 2025 - 9.30am
Best Practice in Supervision - Castle Avenue, Winchester - Thursday 19th June 2025 - 9.30am
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Best Practice in Supervision - Adults' Health & Care
Castle Avenue, Winchester, SO23 8UJ
Thursday 19th June 2025
9.30am to 4.30pm
This 1 day, face to face course aims to provide you with the skills and knowledge to effectively supervise staff in Adults' Health and Care. The course provides you with tools and models to support you to help staff reach their full potential. The key focus of the day is to ensure supervisors understand the importance to providing high quality supervision to staff within their teams. This in turn can result in better outcomes for individuals with care and support needs.
This course is mandatory for Senior Social Workers and Social Work Team Managers who have not already undertaken Supervision for Social Work Supervisors training. This is a vital course for Practice Educators and Work-based Supervisors. It is recommended for any Adults’ Health and Care staff who provide supervision as part of their role.
Structure of the day:
Throughout the day you will be introduced to several methods, models and tools which can be used to support you to deepen the relationship you have with your supervisees. You will also explore the importance of facilitating reflective supervision which promotes the wellbeing and development of staff.
You can expect to contribute towards group discussions in both the main training session and in smaller groups. There are also a number of reflective exercises which aim to increase your self-awareness, as well as giving you tools you can use with your own supervisees.
"Your workforce is your most valuable resource – supervision plays a key role in supporting your workforce to deliver high-quality care and support." Skills for Care, 2020
Key Messages
Introduce a variety of models that support the supervisory role.
Explore the importance of relationship-based supervision.
Acknowledge the role supervision plays in maintaining the wellbeing and resilience of staff through learning and development.
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Price: £60.00 per person