Continence & Stoma Care - Castle Avenue, Winchester - Tuesday 8th April 2025 - 9.30am
Continence & Stoma Care - Castle Avenue, Winchester - Tuesday 8th April 2025 - 9.30am
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Continence & Stoma Care
Castle Avenue, Winchester, SO23 8UJ
Tuesday 8th April 2025
9.30am to 4.30pm
This one-day course, participants will delve into the intricate world of continence assessment and care. We’ll be identifying crucial national and local guidelines and policies, exploring the structures and functions related to waste elimination - both urinary and gastrointestinal. Proactive measures for promoting continence will be discussed, along with an in-depth understanding of the various types and causes of incontinence.
Participants will also tackle practical challenges associated with maintaining continence, including interventions like catheters and stomas, as well as skin integrity management. A comprehensive plan for continence care will be outlined. Additionally, we’ll cover the diverse stoma types and configurations, delve into colorectal and urological surgical procedures leading to stoma formation, and provide essential pre- and post-operative nursing considerations. Lastly, we’ll address the psychological, emotional, and lifestyle aspects experienced by stoma patients, offering practical tips for effective management.
Key Messages
Demonstrate how to use continence related appliances and aids e.g. sheaths, stoma bags, catheter bags
Describe why it is important to follow a support plan, and the actions to take including referral
Discuss the effects on quality of life, privacy and dignity for the individual.
Before proceeding with your booking, we request that you carefully read and agree to our Terms and Conditions
Price: £60.00 per person