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Country Park - Annual Parking Pass

Country Park - Annual Parking Pass

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Regular price £170.00 GBP
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Country Park - Annual Parking Pass

The Country Park Annual Parking Pass entitles you to unlimited parking at our five country parks for a year - Lepe Country Park, Queen Elizabeth Country Park (including Butser Hill), River Hamble Country Park, Royal Victoria Country Park and Staunton Country Park.

This is a great option if you are a frequent visitor to two or more of our parks.

Terms and conditions

  • Two vehicles can be included in the pass
  • Only one vehicle can park at a time, any second vehicle will need to pay normal parking charges
  • Please indicate when you would like the pass to be valid from (‘Start date’). If left blank, this will be the date of your order, but please allow two working days for your details to be added to the system
  • An ANPR system is in operation at all country parks and there is no need to display anything in your car
  • You are required to complete this form to notify us of any changes to your details (e.g. a change of vehicle) during the lifetime of your pass
  • Please allow two working days for changes to come into effect
  • Parking passes are non-transferable or refundable

Price: £170.00

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