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Donate to plant trees for dormice (£50, £100 or £150 donation)

Donate to plant trees for dormice (£50, £100 or £150 donation)

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Donate to plant trees for dormice

£50, £100 or £150 donation

Donate to help plant trees and hedges for wildlife and help the hazel dormouse. You will receive a personalised certificate to say thank you for your support.

Support our new project ‘Shoots Along the Routes’ by sponsoring trees to help the endangered hazel dormouse. Once common across the UK, the hazel dormouse is now considered at risk of extinction due to woodland, scrubland and hedgerow habitat loss and mismanagement.

We need your help to fund tree planting along a stretch of over 630 kms of roads across Hampshire, to create new 2-kilometre-wide wildlife corridors. The trees and hedges we plant will help hazel dormice by providing green corridors and suitable habitats for them and other wildlife.

We will plant tree clusters, individual trees, trees in hedgerows and small woodlands along these new corridors. We will also plant new hedges and widen existing hedges and develop scrub to improve biodiversity.

Your donation will help plant and establish trees to benefit the dormouse, biodiversity, people and the climate, leaving a legacy in leaves. We will plant the trees for you, and you will be provided with a personalised certificate to say thank you.

Donate now and help hazel dormice

£50 - can help us plant 20 new saplings or 4 metres of new hedges for dormice

£100 - can help us to plant 5 trees, or 40 small saplings or 8 metres of new hedges for dormice

£150 – with this we can plant 60 new saplings or 12 metres of new hedgerows

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