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Early Years, Childcare Settings and Childminders in Hampshire - Health and Safety - E-learning course

Early Years, Childcare Settings and Childminders in Hampshire - Health and Safety - E-learning course

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Regular price £14.00 GBP
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Health and Safety -E-learning course

This course is available as an e-learning course and takes about 3.5 hours to complete. It meets the criteria laid down for the Level 2 award in Health & Safety in the Workplace. It is recognised by Environmental Health Officers and is updated by the organisation that provides the training when new legislation is brought in.

It is a simple package broken down into short modules with fun animations and questions to check your learning and progress.

Who is eligible? All childcare practitioners working with children either in a group setting or as a childminder

Once you have purchased a place on an eLearning, a login will be emailed to you.

Places booked on scheduled face-to-face and virtual courses will be confirmed when we send out joining instructions closer to the start date.

Please read our cancellation policy prior to booking. for further details or assistance.

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