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Introduction to Lino Printing - Fareham Library - Friday 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd May 2025 - 10.00am

Introduction to Lino Printing - Fareham Library - Friday 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd May 2025 - 10.00am

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Introduction to Lino Printing

Fareham Library

Friday 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd May 2025

10.00am to 1.00pm

To introduce the learners to linocut printmaking. Experiment with a range of mark making techniques and create a variety of hand made printed artworks.

  • Create a design and transfer it to a linocut block
  • Carve an image into a linocut block
  • Demonstrate how to ink up and print the image onto paper
  • Experiment with at least 4 different mark making techniques
  • Describe how taking time out of your week to engage in a mindful activity has a positive impact on you

Who is this course for: This course is for anyone looking to have fun making hand printed images and expand their artistic experience. Printmaking is a very mindful subject and can help to reduce anxiety and improve your wellbeing

Previous knowledge or experience: As long as have a keen interest in art then no previous experience is necessary

How will I learn: Through drawing, carving, printing and having fun. We will also talk about different styles of artwork and what you are interested in

How will I be assessed: By creating a series of images and looking back at what has and hasn’t worked through the duration of the course. We will also be discussing the work and looking at other artists for inspiration.

What shall I bring: Listed are ideas of what you’ll need, a variety is good:

  • An A5 or A4 sketchbook or loose paper
  • Pencils within the H to 8B range (one or two)
  • Rubber
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Sharpie marker
  • Ruler
  • Any Lino cutting equipment you may already own
  • Please note that there is a £10 charge to cover materials, including ink, paper and sheets of lino

Next steps: Follow on courses delving into multi colour printing techniques with Learning in Libraries

Attendance is expected at each session to ensure that you get the most out of your learning experience and to minimise disruption for other learners. Please advise the venue/tutor of any absence you may have.

You will be contacted by a member of the learning in Libraries team prior to the course. We are unable to process your booking without a phone number.

Please note that due to circumstances outside of our control we may need to move this course online. Please give consent to your image appearing on our virtual learning environment Zoom.

If this event is sold out please contact so that we can inform you of any future courses.

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